"ExpenseIn was so easy to navigate and use"

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Business payment


Atlanta, USA

Products used

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Expense management

ExpenseIn was so easy to navigate and use. They really understood the needs of a busy finance team and also what the end user wants as well.

Corpay is a leading global provider of commercial payment solutions; providing fuel cards and payment products and services to businesses, partners and merchants across North America, Latin America, Europe and Australasia.

A need for change

As an Enterprise-level business, Corpay employees were generating hundreds of expenses every month. The sheer scale of the expenses and the manual way in which the expenses were being recorded meant that the finance team were spending way too long processing expenses.

The team found themselves chasing approval, cross-checking expense data against company policy and manually posting data to their accounting package. This cumulated in a long-winded process and slow reimbursement for their employees.

Finding the right solution

Corpay looked at several systems, but struggled to find one that offered flexibility and wasn’t overly complicated. Upon trialling ExpenseIn, they discovered that it was easy to navigate and provided the usability they were looking for.

Corpay found that ExpenseIn really understood the requirements of a busy finance team and the needs of end-users alike.

Harmonious relationship

Implementing ExpenseIn has brought many great changes and improvements to the entire expenses process. Before, employees would be paid every month, but now they have managed to significantly reduce this and pay employees 10 days after approval. Expenses are also automatically checked against company policy and data can be easily streamlined into their accounting package. This, coupled with better visibility and transparency over expenditure, has saved an inordinate amount of time each month for the finance team and wider business.

The system has been very well-received by end-users; receipt scanning has made their expense process effortless and the mobile app has allowed their workforce to remain agile.

The range of support available has allowed queries to be answered in a timely manner, with the live chat facility proving invaluable when they needed instant answers. ExpenseIn has also listened closely to any suggestions, developing features to suit the customer's needs and providing a sustainable platform for their ever-growing business.

Get started with ExpenseIn today

Explore our faster, simpler and smarter approach to expense management.

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