"We tried a few options but none were really suitable. ExpenseIn's invoicing module came at exactly the right time."

- Industry
Managed IT Services
- HQ
Newcastle, England
Products used
Expense management
Streamlined expense submission.
Invoicing module
Ability to easily view invoices and related purchase approval in one place.
Atlas Cloud Ltd is a UK provider of managed cloud services, offering secure and scalable IT solutions such as virtual desktops, cloud hosting, and IT support. They help businesses improve productivity and security by moving to cloud-based systems, enabling flexible working.
Battling with manual processes
Atlas Cloud had previously relied on a manual, spreadsheet-based process to handle purchase orders and invoices. This required cross-referencing data with Sage, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors and inefficiencies.
"Before ExpenseIn, we used a spreadsheet to manage POs and manually posted invoices to Sage, cross referencing to the PO spreadsheet."
The lack of an audit trail made tracking and accountability difficult, leaving their financial processes vulnerable and far from streamlined.
“This process was slow, left no audit trail, open to errors and generally inefficient!"
Choosing ExpenseIn
Atlas Cloud sought a more efficient and secure solution for their invoice process.
“We recognised that we needed a more efficient and secure process and were exploring options for purchase approval and a more automated invoice system."
The introduction of ExpenseIn's invoicing module, which integrates purchase approvals and invoice scanning, provided the perfect solution.
“ExpenseIns invoicing module came at exactly the right time. We were already using the expenses modules, so were familiar with the platform and the brilliant support given, and the new module gave us the purchase approval and invoice scanning all in one!"
Exceptional ease of use
Atlas Cloud found the system very easy to use and set up, with a clear view of invoices and purchase approvals in one place. They also appreciated the audit trail and smooth integration with their accounting software.
Positive feedback from employees & approvers
Atlas Cloud's end-users appreciate the transparency the software provides, allowing them to track their purchase requests through the approval process.
“They like that they can follow their purchase requests through the flow and see when they have been approved."
It fosters accountability, not only for users submitting requests but also for the finance team, as employees can easily follow up on approved purchases or unpaid invoices.
This visibility has improved communication and streamlined their workflow.
"They can also hold the finance team to account by challenging why an approved request has not yet been purchased, or an invoice has not been paid.”
ExpenseIn’s outstanding support
There was some initial reluctance amongst Atlas Cloud's end-users, however, once they had used the platform they had no complaints.
Not only are they benefitting from ExpenseIn's great selection of resources to aid with queries, but also pleased with the quick response rate of ExpenseIn's customer service, and regular updates on the progress of a query.
“The articles available in the help centre are a plenty and very useful, and the chat support is brilliant. [We] never have to wait long for a response, and if anything needs to be escalated, you receive regular updates on progress. 5-stars."
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