The Complete Guide to Travel Expense Management

By Ashley FerroAugust 23, 2024

Travel expenses can quickly become a source of frustration for any business.

Maybe it’s the constant surprises in your budget or the endless hassle of chasing down expense receipts.

Perhaps it’s the toll it takes on your cash flow or the headaches caused by delayed reimbursements.

Whatever the case, managing these business expenses doesn’t have to be a constant struggle.

In this guide, we’ll dive into practical strategies that can help you regain control, streamline the travel expense process, and keep your business travel running smoothly.

What is Travel Expense Management?

Travel expense management is the process of tracking and controlling all the costs that come with business travel.

This includes managing expenses like:

  • Flights

  • Hotels

  • Meals

  • Transportation when employees travel for work

At its core, travel expense management ensures that all travel-related spending is properly recorded, approved, and reimbursed. This helps businesses stay on budget, avoid unnecessary employee costs, and meet tax and compliance requirements.

In the past, managing these expenses often involved lots of paperwork and manual tracking.

But today, many companies use software to make this process easier.

These travel expense management tools allow:

  • Employees to quickly submit their expenses,

  • Managers to approve them,

  • And finance teams to get a clear view of all travel spending.

Why Businesses Need to Manage Travel Expenses Efficiently

Managing employee travel expenses efficiently is vital for keeping your business on track financially.

When travel costs aren’t managed well, it can lead to overspending, cash flow problems, and even tax issues.

Why Businesses Need to Manage Travel Expenses EfficientlyHere’s why it’s so important:

1. Keeping Costs Under Control

Efficient travel expense management helps you keep a close eye on spending.

By tracking every cost - from flights to meals - you can make sure your business stays within budget.

Without a good employee expenses app, it’s easy for expenses to get out of hand, which can hurt your bottom line.

2. Smoother Cash Flow

When you manage expenses well, reimbursements are processed quickly and accurately.

This not only keeps your employees happy but also helps your business maintain a steady cash flow.

Delays or mistakes in handling expenses can cause financial headaches for both your team and your company.

3. Making Better Business Decisions

Having a clear picture of your travel expenses helps you make smarter decisions.

With the right tools, you can:

  • See where your money is going,

  • Find ways to cut costs,

  • And plan better for future travel.

This kind of insight is crucial for making informed choices about your budget.

4. Staying Compliant & Avoiding Issues

Good employee expense management ensures that all spending is properly documented and meets tax and company requirements.

This reduces the risk of fines or audits due to incomplete or inaccurate records.

A well-organised business expense tracker app helps your business stay compliant and avoid potential problems.

5. Keeping Employees Happy

When travel expenses are handled efficiently, your employees don’t have to worry about long waits for reimbursements or dealing with lost receipts.

This makes their lives easier and keeps them focused on their work, leading to higher satisfaction overall.

Struggling with Travel Expenses? Here’s What Might Be Going Wrong

If managing travel expenses feels like a constant struggle, you're not alone.

Many businesses face challenges in keeping travel costs under control.

Common Travel Expense Management ChallengesHere’s a look at some common issues that could be causing problems with your travel expense management:

1. Lack of a Clear Travel Expense Policy

One of the biggest reasons travel expenses get out of hand is the absence of a clear, well-defined policy.

Without specific guidelines on what employees can and cannot expense, it’s easy for costs to skyrocket.

A clear policy:

  • Helps set expectations,

  • Keeps spending in check,

  • And ensures everyone is on the same page.

2. Relying on Manual Processes

If you’re still using spreadsheets and paper receipts to manage travel expenses, it’s likely causing more headaches than it’s worth.

Manual processes are:

  • Time-consuming,

  • Prone to errors,

  • And make it difficult to get a real-time view of your spending.

Switching to an automated travel expense management software can:

  • Save time,

  • Reduce mistakes,

  • And give you better control over costs.

3. Delayed Expense Reporting

When employees delay submitting their travel expenses, it creates a ripple effect of problems.

It becomes harder to track where your money is going, and you might miss out on identifying areas where you can cut costs.

Encouraging timely submissions and making the process as simple as possible can help keep your budget on track.

4. Inconsistent Approval Processes

Inconsistent or unclear approval processes can lead to unauthorised or excessive spending.

If managers are unsure about what to approve, or if approvals take too long, it can lead to frustration and out-of-control expenses.

Establishing a streamlined approval workflow can help prevent these issues and keep everything running smoothly.

5. Poor Visibility into Spending

Without real-time visibility into your travel expenses, it’s hard to make informed decisions.

If you don’t know how much you’re spending or where the money is going, you can’t effectively manage your budget.

Investing in travel expense management tools that offer detailed reporting and analytics can give you the insights you need to stay in control.

How Technology Simplifies Travel Expense Management

Leveraging technology to manage travel expenses offers a fresh approach that can significantly enhance the way your business handles these costs.

How Technology Simplifies Travel Expense ManagementHere’s how:

You Have Everything in One Place

Imagine having all your travel expenses organised and accessible in one spot. No more chasing down receipts or juggling spreadsheets.

With the right business travel expense app, everything is logged automatically, giving you a clear, up-to-the-minute picture of your spending.

This means less time digging through paperwork and more time focusing on what matters.

Real-Time Spend Tracking

Ever wonder where your travel budget stands mid-quarter? With technology, you don’t have to guess.

Real-time tracking lets you see exactly where your money is going, as it’s being spent.

This instant insight helps you catch any overspending before it becomes a problem, allowing you to stay in control and make adjustments as needed.

No More Guesswork with Approvals

Approving expenses can be a headache, especially when policies are vague or disorganised.

Technology changes that by automating the approval process. It flags anything out of the ordinary and ensures that all expenses meet your company’s guidelines before they’re approved.

This means fewer mistakes, fewer awkward conversations, and a smoother process for everyone.

Quick & Easy Reporting

Expense reporting can be a headache for employees, but technology simplifies it.

With mobile apps and online platforms, employees can easily submit receipts and expenses, even while on the go.

This reduces the burden on your team and speeds up the reimbursement process.

Smarter Spending Decisions

Technology doesn’t just help you manage expenses - it helps you understand them.

By analysing your spending data, you can:

  • Spot patterns,

  • Identify savings opportunities,

  • And fine-tune your travel policies.

This means you’re not just reacting to expenses; you’re proactively managing them, making your travel budget work smarter, not harder.

How to Combine Travel Booking & Expense Management in One Solution

Managing business travel can be a complex task, especially when you’re juggling multiple tools for booking trips and tracking expenses.

However, by integrating TravelPerk and ExpenseIn, you can streamline your entire travel expense management process into one seamless system.

Here’s how these two powerful tools work together to make corporate travel management easier and more efficient:

TravelPerk: Simplifying Business Travel

TravelPerk is a leading platform for business travel management, designed to make booking and managing business trips as simple as possible.

TravelPerk | Travel Expense ManagementIt offers a range of features that help businesses stay in control of their travel plans and budgets:

  • Customisable travel policies: TravelPerk lets you set up travel policies and budget controls to ensure financial compliance and prevent overspending. This means employees can book their trips while staying within the company’s guidelines.

  • User-friendly interface: The platform is easy to use, making travel booking straightforward for employees while providing robust support to handle any issues that arise.

  • Comprehensive services: From booking flights and hotels to receiving real-time travel alerts, TravelPerk covers all aspects of business travel. It also includes advanced reporting tools and a risk management solution, making it easier to monitor and manage travel activities.

  • Financial efficiency: With a single invoice system and tools for accurate VAT recovery, TravelPerk simplifies financial tracking and reporting, helping your finance team stay organised.

ExpenseIn: Streamlining Expense Management

ExpenseIn complements TravelPerk by offering a comprehensive business travel solution for managing business travel expenses.

ExpenseIn interface on mobile and laptopIt’s designed to eliminate the hassle of manual expense reporting and provide real-time visibility into spending:

  • Digital expense claims: Say goodbye to spreadsheets and paper receipts. ExpenseIn allows employees to submit expense claims on the go via a mobile app, complete with real-time receipt scanning and automatic calculations for business mileage and carbon emissions.

  • Seamless integration with TravelPerk: One of the standout features of ExpenseIn is its seamless integration with TravelPerk. Trips booked through TravelPerk are automatically synced with ExpenseIn, generating expense records with all the necessary documentation attached. This integration gives you full visibility of travel costs in real time.

  • Real-time reporting: ExpenseIn provides powerful reporting features that allow you to track spending, identify big spenders, and make informed financial decisions. Customisable reports give you the insights needed to optimise travel expenses.

  • Finance automation for efficiency: ExpenseIn automates many of the tedious tasks associated with expense management, such as sending push and email alerts, verifying receipts, and enforcing policies. This not only saves time but also ensures compliance across the board.

The Power of the TravelPerk & ExpenseIn Integration

When you combine TravelPerk and ExpenseIn, you create a unified system that covers both travel booking and expense management.

This integration allows for:

  • Automatic expense tracking: As soon as a trip is booked in TravelPerk, the expenses are logged in ExpenseIn, and all necessary documentation is completed. This reduces manual entry and ensures that all costs are accounted for accurately.

  • Real-time visibility: With both systems working together, you get a real-time overview of all travel-related expenses, helping you stay on top of budgets and make better financial decisions.

  • Increased efficiency: The seamless flow of information between TravelPerk and ExpenseIn eliminates duplicate work and streamlines processes, making travel expense management faster and more efficient.

By integrating these two tools, your business can take control of its travel expense management, reduce administrative workload, and gain better insights into travel spending - all while keeping the process simple and user-friendly.

ExpenseIn Blog Call to ActionHow to Write a Clear & Effective Travel Expense Policy

Creating a clear and effective travel expense policy is essential for managing business travel costs and ensuring everyone in your company is on the same page.

A well-crafted policy:

  • Sets expectations,

  • Controls spending,

  • And helps avoid misunderstandings.

How to Write a Clear and Effective Travel Expense PolicyHere’s how to write one that works:

Step 1: Define What’s Covered

Start by clearly outlining what types of expenses are covered under your travel expense policy.

This includes:

  • Transportation: Specify what’s allowed for flights, car rentals, taxis, and public transportation.

  • Accommodation: Set guidelines for hotel stays, including acceptable room types and maximum rates.

  • Meals & entertainment: Clarify how much can be spent on meals, and whether alcohol or client entertainment is reimbursable.

  • Miscellaneous expenses: Include rules for items like parking fees, internet access, and tips.

By being specific, you help employees understand what’s expected and prevent unnecessary expenses.

Step 2: Set Spending Limits

Establish clear spending limits for different categories, such as daily meal allowances or maximum hotel rates.

These limits should be realistic based on the destinations your employees frequently travel to but firm enough to prevent overspending.

You can also provide examples to guide employees on what is considered reasonable spending, helping to align their expectations with company policies.

Step 3: Outline the Approval Process

Explain the process for getting travel expenses approved.

This might include:

  • Pre-approval requirements: For large expenses like international flights or long-term accommodations, require pre-approval from a manager.

  • Submission deadlines: Set deadlines for submitting expenses after the trip, such as within 30 days.

  • Approval workflow: Describe who approves expenses and what documentation is needed.

A clear approval process helps avoid delays and confusion, ensuring expenses are handled efficiently.

Step 4: Detail the Reimbursement Process

Let employees know how and when they will be reimbursed for their travel expenses. Include:

  • Reimbursement timelines: Specify how long it typically takes for reimbursements to be processed.

  • Required documentation: List the documents employees need to submit, such as receipts, invoices, and any pre-approval forms.

  • Payment methods: Explain how reimbursements will be paid, whether through direct deposit or added to the next paycheck.

This transparency ensures employees know what to expect and reduces frustration around reimbursements.

Step 5: Address Non-Reimbursable Expenses

It’s just as important to list what isn’t covered under your policy.

Common non-reimbursable expenses might include:

  • Personal entertainment (movies, mini-bar charges)

  • Upgraded travel (first-class tickets, luxury hotels)

  • Expenses for family or friends

By clearly defining non-reimbursable items, you avoid misunderstandings and keep expenses in line with company policy.

Step 6: Keep It Simple & Accessible

Your travel expense policy should be easy to understand and readily accessible to all employees.

Avoid legal jargon and use straightforward language. Consider creating a one-page summary or FAQ section for quick reference.

Make sure the policy is available in a central location, such as your company’s intranet or employee handbook, so everyone knows where to find it when they need it.

Step 7: Review & Update Regularly

Finally, review your travel expense policy regularly to ensure it stays relevant.

As your company grows or travel costs change, you may need to adjust spending limits or add new guidelines.

Regular updates help keep the policy effective and aligned with your business needs.

Take Control of Your Travel Expenses Today

Struggling with managing travel expenses can drain your resources and cause unnecessary headaches.

Overspending, delayed reimbursements, and lack of visibility are common issues that can disrupt your business operations.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Using the right tools and strategies, you can streamline your travel expense management, avoid costly mistakes, and satisfy your employees.

Ready to eliminate the stress of managing travel expenses? Book a demo with ExpenseIn today and see how our solutions can help you take control, save time, and reduce costs.