How To Beat The January Blues In Your Finance Team - 8 Top Tips

By Linda RoperJanuary 9, 2023

Many people may feel a little down after the post-Christmas and New Year's indulgences on their waistlines and bank accounts. The "January Blues" are frequently brought on by the return to work, dark days, and the end of the festive season.

Businesses may also experience this common sentiment, as many employees lack direction and focus for the upcoming New Year, given that they are feeling a little dazed following the hectic month of December. However, you may change this "motivational slump" and January soon becomes the most thrilling month of the year. In this blog, we share with you our 8 top tips on how to beat the January blues in your Finance team.Man rubbing tired eyesImage: ©fizkes via

1. Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance

According to Aviva, “More workers said they were attracted to their current role for the work-life balance (41%) than the salary (36%). So it's important for employees to have a healthy balance between their work and personal life in order to maintain their overall well-being and happiness.

Encourage your finance team to take regular breaks and step away from their desks every couple of hours to recharge and refresh themselves. Allowing for flexible work arrangements, such as working from home or adjusting work hours, can also help employees feel more in control of their time and reduce stress. For those already working remotely, actively encourage your team to take breaks guilt-free while at home too.

2. Setting Shared Goals

Mockup of a small tower of blocks with blue arrows pointing to a red circle with arrow in the middleImage: ©ormalternative via

The start of a new year is a great time to set new goals and priorities for your finance team. Work with your team to identify specific, achievable goals that everyone can work towards. Setting shared goals can help to create a sense of purpose and motivation within the team and give them something to strive for.

Some possible goals that you may want to consider include increasing revenue, improving financial forecasting, or streamlining processes. Make sure that every member of your finance team has an opportunity to contribute ideas and feedback on the objectives set for them. This will help the team feel more invested in their shared goals and give them a sense of ownership over their work. You can even get creative with this process by using mind maps, brainstorming sessions, or other visual aids to motivate your employees.

(We've also written an article on how to set KPIs and Performance Metrics for your Finance teams)

3. Introduce Energising Activities

Incorporate activities that can help to boost energy and morale. Aim to make this part of your daily routine. This can include things like team fitness challenges, meditation breaks, or team-building games. These activities can help to break up the workday and provide a welcome change of pace. But you can also take these activities online. Consider a GIF challenge for your next virtual meeting, where everyone on the call needs to use a GIF at one point during the meeting. This can instantly engage users and provide a light-hearted and often hilarious way to connect.

4. Invest in Team Building

Staff participating in joined team-building activityImage: ©skynesher via

Have you ever felt as though your work is becoming invisible? Well, chances are your remote finance team is facing this challenge more than ever! According to a recent report, many remote workers are struggling to feel connected and are facing a wide range of barriers when it comes to achieving organic collaboration. But there is hope! By investing in team-building activities for your remote finance team, you can start to break down these digital walls and help build trust and collaboration within your company.

Team-building retreats, training sessions, or team-bonding events are all helping to reconnect remote teams and improve morale and increase productivity. So, in 2023, why not surprise your team with a thrilling escape room challenge or a day of abseiling and rock climbing? Or consider inviting your remote workers on a mystery day out filled with fun activities and exciting events that your team can bond over.

5. Recognise and Reward Achievement

Recognising and rewarding the achievements and contributions of your finance team can help to boost morale and motivation. This can include things like public recognition, financial bonuses, or additional holiday time. For example, you could celebrate the completion of a big project or milestone by hosting a small celebration at your office or even giving personal gifts to individual members. You can also encourage your team with incentives, such as additional productivity bonuses for hitting specific goals.

Whatever methods you choose, just be sure to make these rewards meaningful and heartfelt. This will help to motivate your team and show them how much their contributions truly matter.

6. Encourage Professional Development

Encouraging your finance team to pursue professional development opportunities can help to keep them engaged and motivated. This can include things like training programs, conferences, or certification courses. After all, as technology advances, your team needs to be flexible, adaptable and constantly learning in order to optimise their skills. By investing in their professional development, you are also investing in the long-term success of your business.

Hence, consider offering incentives like tuition reimbursement or providing a monthly budget for training and learning opportunities. This can help to keep your finance team motivated and continue building the skills they need to excel in their roles. Investing in the professional development of your team can help to improve their skills and increase their value to the organisation.

7. Foster a Supportive Work Environment

Creating a supportive work environment can go a long way in helping to prevent the January blues. In fact, work culture, in general, is shifting in a way that has put mental wellness front and centre. Employees now crave a work experience that is supportive and considers their personal needs. And so, employers who are thinking ahead are starting to understand that providing hyper-personalised, company-specific policies to benefit their employees can significantly improve workplace wellness and the employee experience. And this has a knock-on effect on staff retention rates.

In 2023, make sure always to encourage open communication and be available to support and listen to your team. Show appreciation for their hard work and efforts, and be understanding when they need additional support or flexibility.

8. Encourage Self-Care

Employees continue to leave their roles because of burnout and low job satisfaction, according to Harvard Business Review. And encouraging self-care for your finance team during the January Blues is one way you can help prevent burnout and promote greater work-life balance. This can include things like setting boundaries around work time and focusing on self-care practices such as healthy eating habits and experiencing a high quality of sleep. Proactively encouraging self-care can help to reduce stress and improve overall productivity and job satisfaction.

How to Beat the January Blues in Your Finance Team [Recap]

So to recap, here are our 8 top tips on how to beat the January blues in your Finance team after the post-Christmas and New Year's indulgences.

1. Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance

2. Setting Shared Goals

3. Introduce Energising Activities

4. Invest in Team Building

5. Recognise and Reward Achievement

6. Encourage Professional Development

7. Foster a Supportive Work Environment

8. Encourage Self-Care